Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET)
Net Sector Maps
The Arnold Creek Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) has been working over the years to improve the neighborhood’s emergency preparedness; creating and printing the first version of the maps, securing a shed to store emergency supplies, improvements to the basketball shelter at the school, and obtaining a grant to purchase an emergency shelter yurt. The neighborhood association has provided financial support for printing of these maps. Some maps will be printed on Rite In The Rain weatherproof paper. The maps can be used by neighbors to organize and prepare for an emergency and for non-emergency communications.
The four different colors of the building footprints represent the year built based on the implementation of earthquake safety building practices. The first such code was passed in 1954, with subsequent revisions in 1974 and 1994. In the event of earthquake, structures built prior to 1954 will likely require more intervention by Search and Rescue personnel.
Arnold Creek residents will be able to use this map to organize their Sector to create community resilience (know your neighbor) for disaster preparedness and general community development. Sector maps will be used by the Arnold Creek Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) volunteers in the event of an emergency to facilitate search and rescue operations.
Each Sector is a “natural, cultural or geographical community” which could/should/might assist neighbors within each sector to self-organize as a disaster resilience preparedness unit. The smaller sub-sectors-AB&C-are for post-earthquake or other Search a d Rescue purposes. Each sub-sector of 25-35 homes is a manageable unit for a Search and Rescue team to search in a reasonable time period.
This map was created by Arnold Creek resident Elizabeth Marantz, with additional volunteer support from Jim Hensel, Andrea Yoshioka and Brian Brady. The information on this map was derived from City of Portland, and Multnomah County GIS databases. Care was taken in the creation of this map, but it is provided “as is.” Arnold Creek Neighborhood Emergency Team cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy, and therefore, there are no warranties which accompany this product. However, notification of any errors will be appreciated. This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information.

Join Your Neighborhood Emergency Team
The Arnold Creek NET is volunteer neighborhood group and we need you! The basic training will give you the skills to work with your neighbors to save lives and property during the first 72 hours of any citywide emergency. The skills you’ll learn in the free NET training will also help you manage emergencies that you may encounter in daily life. NET volunteers often have opportunities to support neighborhood events and provide disaster assistance. Training and certification are provided.
Arnold Creek Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) team leader James Hensel,
Arnold Creek NET Yurt Demonstration
The June 2016 meeting was held outside under the covered area at Stephenson Elementary School. During the rain, neighbors set up the Arnold Creek Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) yurt. Watch the video here.
ACNA Emergency Preparedness Presentation
At the January 2016 Arnold Creek Neighborhood Association meeting, a presentation was given on Emergency Preparedness. A YouTube video was made of the presentation. View the video here.
Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Node (BEECN)
A BEECN is a place to go in Portland after a major earthquake to ask for emergency assistance if phone service is down, or report severe damage or injury. Stephenson Elementary School field is a BEECN site.
Occasionally, Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) conducts a full-scale test of the Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Nodes (BEECN), including the one located at Stephenson Elementary School. Volunteers deploy to the location of the BEECN equipment cache, set up the tent and communications equipment and establish communication with the nearest fire station via UHF radio provided by PBEM.

Scott Burns Earthquake Presentation
In May 2018, the Arnold Creek Neighborhood Association hosted a presentation by Portland State Geology Professor Scott Burns.
Stephenson Elementary School Covered Structure Seismic Evaluation
A Seismic Evaluation of the Stephenson Elementary School covered play area structure was completed in September 2016. The evaluation report includes good news.